Friday, August 14, 2020

Can You Look After an Indoor Plant?

Some people are not ready to take on the challenge of looking after an indoor plant, and then there are the others who really try but who find that no matter what they do, their plants just don’t survive. Well if this is the case, then you probably have a few factors working against you that you are not even aware of.

If you want to keep an indoor house plant alive and healthy, then there are a few things that you are going to have to know.

Light, The Most Important Thing For Indoor Plant

One of the most basic and important things that any indoor plant is going to need to survive is light. Of course most plants need shady periods as well, but without light they are going to wither and die. The best idea is to put your plants by a window, because even if they are not directly in front of it, when you open up the shades they are going to get at least a bit of light on sunny days.

For the winter time, or other periods where there are a few days or more at a time without much sun, you are going to want to have a grow light handy. This way you can shine the light right on the plants and help to provide them with the ever so important light that they may not be getting enough of.


Also watering your indoor plant is going to be very important, and you should be doing this once at least every couple of days.


Some, but not all, plants need to be repotted on a regular basis in order to stay healthy and strive. There are some that are even going to need larger containers, but if you have some plants that you want to keep the same size, then you can just repot them in another pot of the same size, or even repot them in the same container, but just make sure that you use a bit of new soil.

You should never repot a plant into entirely new soil, because remember the soil that they have been living in has lots of nutrients and minerals that are going to help the plants stay healthy. It can also be too much shock to a plant to go from one soil to another entirely new container of soil all at once.

If you have to repot any indoor plant, make sure that you get the soil a bit wet first, otherwise it will be dry and is likely to end up breaking the roots of the plant when you go to repot it.

These tips are all super important if you are going to be caring for an indoor plant, and your best bet is going to be to make sure that you take the time to do research on any specific plants that you have, as each different type of plant has different growing requirements.

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